Wednesday 27 May 2009

My favourite piece of technology!

Well, this is not exactly my discman, but I have one in my house in Viña (yes, I'm from Viña del Mar), so I don't have a photo from it ... this is from internet.
I bought it to my friend Daniela the last year, because I wanted to listen to my CDs music and my mp3 hasn't the capacity to save all the songs than I wanted.
The cost was so cheap, I don't remember exactly, and it's gray, very normal.

In my discman I listen
to my favourite Cds, like "Morning View", "Make Yourself" (Incubus), "Mariposas" (Silvio Rodriguez), Santana, Sonata Arctica, etc. I like diverse tipe of music.

I use it when I walk by the city,
when I go to the beach, when I read or in my bedroom.

In other words, I love it! It's so old school and it remembers me the '90, when the music was better than now.

I have not many Cds music and I have too my mp3
and a phonograph (that is very old school), so I can live perfectly without it, I'm no too much dependent of the technology, I just know than I can't live without music, I'm so dependent of it.

Monday 11 May 2009



Welcome to my blog :) ...

I'm Camila Agurto and I'm studing veterinary since this year in the Universidad de Chile.
I like too much the carreer, so now I can say this is my vocation.
This blogger project is to my english class. This class is so usefull, because I need it to understand papers, music, instructions, foreign people, etc... and I'll need it, in a future, to my work. It will make me a better profesional, most complete, I think.
I hope learn scientific words and get a better pronunciation, among other things.